Free Our Comrades! Four bus drivers in Singapore sent to jail for striking

Workers in Singapore are heavily constrained in terms of what actions they can take and the recent strike by bus drivers has brought a swift reaction from the government. Not only were many of the bus drivers deported back to China, but a court recently jailed four organisers for up to seven weeks. The courts quite clearly want these sentences to deter other workers from taking industrial action.

This strike has highlighted the reliance by Singapore on underpaid migrant labour.

Workers in Singapore are heavily constrained in terms of what actions they can take and the recent strike by bus drivers has brought a swift reaction from the government. Not only were many of the bus drivers deported back to China, but a court recently jailed four organisers for up to seven weeks. The courts quite clearly want these sentences to deter other workers from taking industrial action.

This strike has highlighted the reliance by Singapore on underpaid migrant labour.