Rana Plaza commemorated around the world

Last Friday, the 24 of April was the second anniversary of the massacre of workers at the Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Commemorations were held all around the world, including Australia. The effort to bring justice and adequate compensation to the victims and survivors continues in the face of resistance by companies. The collapse of Rana Plaza was the inevitable outcome of the global ‘Race to the Bottom’ that companies engage in their quest for higher profits. Read this account of a recent AAWL visit to Rana Plaza and the organising efforts of garment worker activists despite continuing repression.

Last Friday, the 24 of April was the second anniversary of the massacre of workers at the Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Commemorations were held all around the world, including Australia. The effort to bring justice and adequate compensation to the victims and survivors continues in the face of resistance by companies. The collapse of Rana Plaza was the inevitable outcome of the global ‘Race to the Bottom’ that companies engage in their quest for higher profits. Read this account of a recent AAWL visit to Rana Plaza and the organising efforts of garment worker activists despite continuing repression.