New abuses uncovered in Australia’s offshore concentration camps

The repression that successive Australian government have unleashed on asylum seekers has been well document previously (see here and here). Unfortunately, the litany of human rights abuses keep coming, especially from the two offshore detention camps at Manus Island in PNG, and in Nauru. This week a news report uncovered fresh allegations of spying, bullying and child abuse. In a separate parliamentary enquiry, new allegations of torture against asylum seekers were also tabled.

The repression that successive Australian government have unleashed on asylum seekers has been well document previously (see here and here). Unfortunately, the litany of human rights abuses keep coming, especially from the two offshore detention camps at Manus Island in PNG, and in Nauru. This week a news report uncovered fresh allegations of spying, bullying and child abuse. In a separate parliamentary enquiry, new allegations of torture against asylum seekers were also tabled.