May Day 2013: Struggle, austerity and repression

On Wednesday 1 May, millions of workers and their supporters staged events and demonstrations all around the world.

With the continuing intensification of the capitalist crisis globally, the significance of May Day, the commonality of our issues, and the unity of workers all around the world, has never been more apparent. While most marches went smoothly, in a number of cities, like in Istanbul, demonstrators were brutally repressed by police to stop workers marching for their rights. Nearly all marches were left wing events, however in some cities, including in Paris, fascist forces took to the streets to promote nationalism and racism.

The task for all of us is to increase our links and to organise our actions at a global level so that we can act as the international class that we are.

Images of May Day events: Global Slideshow 1, Slideshow 2, Slideshow 3Slideshow 4, Slideshow 5, Cambodia, Japan, Korea

On Wednesday 1 May, millions of workers and their supporters staged events and demonstrations all around the world.

With the continuing intensification of the capitalist crisis globally, the significance of May Day, the commonality of our issues, and the unity of workers all around the world, has never been more apparent. While most marches went smoothly, in a number of cities, like in Istanbul, demonstrators were brutally repressed by police to stop workers marching for their rights. Nearly all marches were left wing events, however in some cities, including in Paris, fascist forces took to the streets to promote nationalism and racism.

The task for all of us is to increase our links and to organise our actions at a global level so that we can act as the international class that we are.

Images of May Day events: Global Slideshow 1, Slideshow 2, Slideshow 3Slideshow 4, Slideshow 5, Cambodia, Japan, Korea