Charges against Bob Carnegie dismissed

In a victory for workers everywhere, but especially in Australia’s building and construction industry, all charges laid against Brisbane union activist Bob Carnegie have been dropped.  As we previously reported, Carnegie’s charges related to a strike and picket last year at the Queensland Children's Hospital construction site.  Although the magistrate said that Abigroup’s order to keep Carnegie away from the construction site was not sufficiently clear, we know that this victory could not have been possible without the massive solidarity campaign. The fight isn’t entirely over. Carnegie still faces a civil case brought against him by Abigroup, and our community and union support will be once again needed to defend our own.  Touch one, touch all.

In a victory for workers everywhere, but especially in Australia’s building and construction industry, all charges laid against Brisbane union activist Bob Carnegie have been dropped.  As we previously reported, Carnegie’s charges related to a strike and picket last year at the Queensland Children's Hospital construction site.  Although the magistrate said that Abigroup’s order to keep Carnegie away from the construction site was not sufficiently clear, we know that this victory could not have been possible without the massive solidarity campaign. The fight isn’t entirely over. Carnegie still faces a civil case brought against him by Abigroup, and our community and union support will be once again needed to defend our own.  Touch one, touch all.