Apple removes some toxic chemicals from Chinese supply chain

After pressure from health and safety activists, IT manufacturer Apple has pledged to end the use of benzene and n-hexane in its supplier factories in China. Undercover activists previously got jobs in Apple’s Chinese suppliers, and found they were given little or no protective gear or safety training. Activists are now calling for Apple to compensate victims for chemical poisoning. Chemical poisoning is widespread across the smart phone manufacturing industry, including a spate of industrial cancers at Samsung.

After pressure from health and safety activists, IT manufacturer Apple has pledged to end the use of benzene and n-hexane in its supplier factories in China. Undercover activists previously got jobs in Apple’s Chinese suppliers, and found they were given little or no protective gear or safety training. Activists are now calling for Apple to compensate victims for chemical poisoning. Chemical poisoning is widespread across the smart phone manufacturing industry, including a spate of industrial cancers at Samsung.