Statement Against the Thai Military Coup

It is the 12th time since 1932 that the Thai ruling elite has used the military to suppress popular discontent against the inequality and corruption of Thai society

This latest coup follows the one in 2006, the mass shooting of demonstrators in 2010 and is a part the ongoing divisions in Thailand since the election of the first Thaksin Shinawatra government.

This coup is an attack on workers and their right to organise.

Workers in Thailand have been paying the price of industrialisation for too long. Many global companies have relocated their factories to Thailand to take advantage of low wages and inadequate laws on health & safety and workplace standards.

AAWL supports the right to organise and demands economic justice for workers and their communities in Thailand.

AAWL asks workers everywhere to give immediate practical support to labour and human rights activists in Thailand. We ask all genuine unions in the world to protest against this latest military coup and for democratic rights.

We also demand:
•    that the military not attack demonstrators and urge Thai soldiers not to follow orders
•    the resignation of the coup leaders and the restoration of democratic government
•    the release of all detained and jailed protesters and political prisoners
•    the abolishment of Thailand’s Lèse Majesté laws (Article 112)

Don’t shoot – End the dictatorship – Release all prisoners – All power to the working people

Workers Change the World

It is the 12th time since 1932 that the Thai ruling elite has used the military to suppress popular discontent against the inequality and corruption of Thai society

This latest coup follows the one in 2006, the mass shooting of demonstrators in 2010 and is a part the ongoing divisions in Thailand since the election of the first Thaksin Shinawatra government.

This coup is an attack on workers and their right to organise.

Workers in Thailand have been paying the price of industrialisation for too long. Many global companies have relocated their factories to Thailand to take advantage of low wages and inadequate laws on health & safety and workplace standards.

AAWL supports the right to organise and demands economic justice for workers and their communities in Thailand.

AAWL asks workers everywhere to give immediate practical support to labour and human rights activists in Thailand. We ask all genuine unions in the world to protest against this latest military coup and for democratic rights.

We also demand:
•    that the military not attack demonstrators and urge Thai soldiers not to follow orders
•    the resignation of the coup leaders and the restoration of democratic government
•    the release of all detained and jailed protesters and political prisoners
•    the abolishment of Thailand’s Lèse Majesté laws (Article 112)

Don’t shoot – End the dictatorship – Release all prisoners – All power to the working people

Workers Change the World