Philippines Airlines workers can win

For 6 months, PALEA has been fighting for the reinstatement of over 2,500 workers of Philippines Airlines who were sacked in October of last year.  They were sacked for their refusal to be outsourced and casualised. Recently San Miguel corporation bought 49% of shares in Philippines Airlines, making it the largest share holder in the airline.  Shortly after the take over, a number of PAL top executives resigned, many of whom were behind the outsourcing push.
PALEA can win this fight, but they need international solidarity.
Join the solidarity group on Facebook for up to date news from the protest camp at Manila airport. Check out the photos of Steve Purvinas Federal Secretary of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineer’s Association, who visited camp PALEA.
Read union solidarity statements
Sign the petition
Donate to the strike fund

For 6 months, PALEA has been fighting for the reinstatement of over 2,500 workers of Philippines Airlines who were sacked in October of last year.  They were sacked for their refusal to be outsourced and casualised. Recently San Miguel corporation bought 49% of shares in Philippines Airlines, making it the largest share holder in the airline.  Shortly after the take over, a number of PAL top executives resigned, many of whom were behind the outsourcing push.
PALEA can win this fight, but they need international solidarity.
Join the solidarity group on Facebook for up to date news from the protest camp at Manila airport. Check out the photos of Steve Purvinas Federal Secretary of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineer’s Association, who visited camp PALEA.
Read union solidarity statements
Sign the petition
Donate to the strike fund