Military coup in Egypt has implications for workers across the region

The mass protests in Egypt over the last week and the overthrowing of the Egyptian President by the military has implications for workers all across North Africa and West Asia. Workers in Egypt have been central players in these protests, and solidarity has come from as far away as South Korea. Unemployment and dropping living conditions are hitting workers and their communities very hard. The working class in Egypt is the biggest in the region. How the current situation is resolved, and whether in favour or against, the working class, will effect the workers’ movement in other countries as well. For interviews on the dynamics of the struggle, click here.

The mass protests in Egypt over the last week and the overthrowing of the Egyptian President by the military has implications for workers all across North Africa and West Asia. Workers in Egypt have been central players in these protests, and solidarity has come from as far away as South Korea. Unemployment and dropping living conditions are hitting workers and their communities very hard. The working class in Egypt is the biggest in the region. How the current situation is resolved, and whether in favour or against, the working class, will effect the workers’ movement in other countries as well. For interviews on the dynamics of the struggle, click here.