Free Our Comrades! Filipino unionists arrested on trumped up charges

The Philippines is one of the worst countries to be a trade union activist, with a long history of repression against the labour movement, see here and here. Last December, four leaders of the KMU trade union centre were arrested on trumped up charges. This act of harassment is aimed at preventing them from carrying out trade-union activities. These arrests are part of the Philippine government’s counter-insurgency program called Oplan Bayanihan, which restricts the right of workers to organise. There is an international campaign calling for their release.

The Philippines is one of the worst countries to be a trade union activist, with a long history of repression against the labour movement, see here and here. Last December, four leaders of the KMU trade union centre were arrested on trumped up charges. This act of harassment is aimed at preventing them from carrying out trade-union activities. These arrests are part of the Philippine government’s counter-insurgency program called Oplan Bayanihan, which restricts the right of workers to organise. There is an international campaign calling for their release.