Workers the key to save heroic left wing activists in Syrian Kurdish region

As previously reported, Iraq and Syria have become theatres of death where imperialist, reactionary and fundamentalist groups are using warfare to carve out areas of influence, control and profit. In the small area of northern Syria, in and around the town of Kobane, the brutal and calculating results of these power plays are clear for all to see as one of the few progressive working class forces in the region is being attacked by both ISIS and Turkey. Against overwhelming odds, the armed popular forces of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) are resisting the ISIS assaults and the blockade by Turkey. Major demonstrations by Kurds and supporters have occurred in both Turkey and in Europe. Supporting the forces of the YPG is crucial for all working class forces around the world who want to stop the ongoing wars in this region.

Victory to the resistance

As previously reported, Iraq and Syria have become theatres of death where imperialist, reactionary and fundamentalist groups are using warfare to carve out areas of influence, control and profit. In the small area of northern Syria, in and around the town of Kobane, the brutal and calculating results of these power plays are clear for all to see as one of the few progressive working class forces in the region is being attacked by both ISIS and Turkey. Against overwhelming odds, the armed popular forces of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) are resisting the ISIS assaults and the blockade by Turkey. Major demonstrations by Kurds and supporters have occurred in both Turkey and in Europe. Supporting the forces of the YPG is crucial for all working class forces around the world who want to stop the ongoing wars in this region.

Victory to the resistance