Workers need to stop a new Korean war

This week saw an increase in the threats between the United States and the North Korean governments with both sides threatening military strikes. The peninsula has already witnessed a devastating conflict between 1950-53, that saw North Korea practically levelled by USA bombing. This tension comes at a time of National Liberation Day on August 15 that marks the end of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. Anti-war activists from both the USA and South Korea are circulating an international petition against the war while a major demonstration is planned in Seoul this Tuesday. As witnessed by the current wars in central and west Asia, military conflicts are a disaster for workers, their families and their communities.

This week saw an increase in the threats between the United States and the North Korean governments with both sides threatening military strikes. The peninsula has already witnessed a devastating conflict between 1950-53, that saw North Korea practically levelled by USA bombing. This tension comes at a time of National Liberation Day on August 15 that marks the end of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. Anti-war activists from both the USA and South Korea are circulating an international petition against the war while a major demonstration is planned in Seoul this Tuesday. As witnessed by the current wars in central and west Asia, military conflicts are a disaster for workers, their families and their communities.