Workers in the expanding Indian car industry pay a high price

The automotive industry in India has recently underwent a massive boom with many new vehicle manufacturing plants established in India’s industrial hubs. While big industrial actions such as those at the Maruti Suzuki factory near Delhi managed to hit the world’s headlines, the day to day reality for auto workers is very grim. A recent investigative report has detailed the stories and realities that workers face at the assembly line and the high injury toll that these jobs inflict. Health and safety conditions for Indian workers will only improve when strong unions are able to enforce safety guidelines.

The automotive industry in India has recently underwent a massive boom with many new vehicle manufacturing plants established in India’s industrial hubs. While big industrial actions such as those at the Maruti Suzuki factory near Delhi managed to hit the world’s headlines, the day to day reality for auto workers is very grim. A recent investigative report has detailed the stories and realities that workers face at the assembly line and the high injury toll that these jobs inflict. Health and safety conditions for Indian workers will only improve when strong unions are able to enforce safety guidelines.