Toxic trade exposed

Indian asbestos workers have little in the way of safety equipment and if they contract a respiratory illness like asbestosis or a cancer like mesothelioma few are paid compensation. Canada won’t use asbestos itself but it is selling it by the shipload to India. Business is so brisk Canada is breathing new life into its asbestos mining industry to bolster its exports. ABC Australia is showing a new report exposing the effect of this criminal trade, where workers’ lives are sacrificed for profits. Program and video here.

Indian asbestos workers have little in the way of safety equipment and if they contract a respiratory illness like asbestosis or a cancer like mesothelioma few are paid compensation. Canada won’t use asbestos itself but it is selling it by the shipload to India. Business is so brisk Canada is breathing new life into its asbestos mining industry to bolster its exports. ABC Australia is showing a new report exposing the effect of this criminal trade, where workers’ lives are sacrificed for profits. Program and video here.