Tens of millions of workers participate in General Strike in India

While it is a bit early to know exactly how many workers in India went on strike over two days this week, it is clear that tens of millions of workers came out to protest against deteriorating working conditions. This strike is a continuation of a general mobilisation by Indian workers over the last few years. One of the crucial aspects of this week's strike was the collaboration between major unions. Given the stated intention by the Indian business class to further integrate into the global capitalist system, workers will need to continue to organise against attacks on their working conditions.

While it is a bit early to know exactly how many workers in India went on strike over two days this week, it is clear that tens of millions of workers came out to protest against deteriorating working conditions. This strike is a continuation of a general mobilisation by Indian workers over the last few years. One of the crucial aspects of this week's strike was the collaboration between major unions. Given the stated intention by the Indian business class to further integrate into the global capitalist system, workers will need to continue to organise against attacks on their working conditions.