Syria – Workers can defeat the government

Massive public protests over the last few months have not managed to dislodge the repressive Baath government headed by President Bashar al Assad.
Hundreds of people have died at the hands of the Syrian security forces.
The main cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Ḥomṣ, Ḥamāh and Latakia hold the key to the present struggle. These five cities are where the main manufacturing, energy and food processing industries are located. Of particular strategic importance are the oil and gas pipelines and associated refineries in Homs, while Latakia is the main port where most goods enter and exit Syria.
Large strikes in these industries and urban centres can cripple the government much faster than street demonstrations. Workers need to act to stop the repression. International industrial action is needed against the oil industry that continues to support the dictatorships. We have the economic power to win this struggle. Workers change the world.

Massive public protests over the last few months have not managed to dislodge the repressive Baath government headed by President Bashar al Assad.
Hundreds of people have died at the hands of the Syrian security forces.
The main cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Ḥomṣ, Ḥamāh and Latakia hold the key to the present struggle. These five cities are where the main manufacturing, energy and food processing industries are located. Of particular strategic importance are the oil and gas pipelines and associated refineries in Homs, while Latakia is the main port where most goods enter and exit Syria.
Large strikes in these industries and urban centres can cripple the government much faster than street demonstrations. Workers need to act to stop the repression. International industrial action is needed against the oil industry that continues to support the dictatorships. We have the economic power to win this struggle. Workers change the world.