Solidarity actions help Hanjin workers in their fight

Workers at the Hanjin shipyard are not giving up their struggle against sub contracting and job security.

They have received support from many other workers, both in Korea and internationally, and the solidarity shown by the Ssangyong Motor workers, who themselves had gone through a major dispute in 2009, was particularly inspiring.

The ‘Hope bus’ caravan organised by Korean workers to bring support to the striking workers was successful in publicising the dispute to a broader layer of workers. A second ‘Hope bus’ caravan will take place on July 30 and 31.

To send a protest letter to the Korean president, click here.

Workers at the Hanjin shipyard are not giving up their struggle against sub contracting and job security.

They have received support from many other workers, both in Korea and internationally, and the solidarity shown by the Ssangyong Motor workers, who themselves had gone through a major dispute in 2009, was particularly inspiring.

The ‘Hope bus’ caravan organised by Korean workers to bring support to the striking workers was successful in publicising the dispute to a broader layer of workers. A second ‘Hope bus’ caravan will take place on July 30 and 31.

To send a protest letter to the Korean president, click here.