Shipworkers in Gujarat, India continue to be killed

The union representing the Gadani shipbreaking yards, the Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers’ Association (ASSRGWA), has, with the help of international unions, won the right to compensation payments.  Despite this and the fact that they have managed to unionise 20% of the workforce, the OH&S conditions for workers are still atrocious.  Just this week another six workers were killed in a fire, while the European Commission is about to legalise the export of contaminated ships to these shipyards.

The union representing the Gadani shipbreaking yards, the Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers’ Association (ASSRGWA), has, with the help of international unions, won the right to compensation payments.  Despite this and the fact that they have managed to unionise 20% of the workforce, the OH&S conditions for workers are still atrocious.  Just this week another six workers were killed in a fire, while the European Commission is about to legalise the export of contaminated ships to these shipyards.