Sectarian war is an ongoing disaster for workers in Iraq

The upsurge in fighting in Iraq following months of terrorist attacks and an inconclusive election has only worsened the situation for workers in Iraq. Workers have tried to rebuild their organisations since the toppling of Saddam Hussein but have been hampered by repression and restrictive legislation. The latest upsurge in fighting has only put more workers in danger, click here, here and here. The problem for workers stems from the intervention of various imperialist and reactionary forces to gain control of the area and its riches. Only a united fight-back by workers in the region will be able to bring lasting peace.

The upsurge in fighting in Iraq following months of terrorist attacks and an inconclusive election has only worsened the situation for workers in Iraq. Workers have tried to rebuild their organisations since the toppling of Saddam Hussein but have been hampered by repression and restrictive legislation. The latest upsurge in fighting has only put more workers in danger, click here, here and here. The problem for workers stems from the intervention of various imperialist and reactionary forces to gain control of the area and its riches. Only a united fight-back by workers in the region will be able to bring lasting peace.