Report on Maruti Suzuki details the crimes against workers

A newly released report by the International Commission for Labor Rights (ICLR) has catalogued all the violations of labour and human rights that Maruti Suzuki workers have endured over these last few years. As previously reported, the disputes all centre on the determination of the workers to form their own independent trade union.
AAWL General Meeting
Wednesday 7 August at 6pm
Evatt rm, Trades Hall
Lygon st, Carlton
Victoria, Australia

A newly released report by the International Commission for Labor Rights (ICLR) has catalogued all the violations of labour and human rights that Maruti Suzuki workers have endured over these last few years. As previously reported, the disputes all centre on the determination of the workers to form their own independent trade union.
AAWL General Meeting
Wednesday 7 August at 6pm
Evatt rm, Trades Hall
Lygon st, Carlton
Victoria, Australia