Railways and subway workers to take strike actions

Workers in Korea are continuing to resist the economic and political offensive of the government. Following a major demonstration in July, subway and rail unions will commence an unlimited strike against the government’s policies and its repression of unions and its leaders on 27 September. Major lead up rallies indicate that there is very strong support for the strike. The KPTU President Jo Sangsu has recorded a video detailing why this strike is significant for workers around the world and the need to unite and show solidarity globally.

Workers in Korea are continuing to resist the economic and political offensive of the government. Following a major demonstration in July, subway and rail unions will commence an unlimited strike against the government’s policies and its repression of unions and its leaders on 27 September. Major lead up rallies indicate that there is very strong support for the strike. The KPTU President Jo Sangsu has recorded a video detailing why this strike is significant for workers around the world and the need to unite and show solidarity globally.