Palestinians around the world commemorate ‘Al Nakba’ on May 15


‘Nakba’ means disaster or catastrophe and stands for the process of expulsion of approximately 750,000 Palestinians from their homes between 1947 and 1949. Palestinians and their supporters mark this day to remember and press the claim for these refugees, and their descendents, many of whom still live in refugee camps in countries around Israel. The issue of who owns Palestine goes back to colonial times.
During May and June, Dr Mona el-Farra will travel around Australia on a speaking tour, for dates and locations, click here. Demonstrations will be held in both Sydney and Melbourne.


‘Nakba’ means disaster or catastrophe and stands for the process of expulsion of approximately 750,000 Palestinians from their homes between 1947 and 1949. Palestinians and their supporters mark this day to remember and press the claim for these refugees, and their descendents, many of whom still live in refugee camps in countries around Israel. The issue of who owns Palestine goes back to colonial times.
During May and June, Dr Mona el-Farra will travel around Australia on a speaking tour, for dates and locations, click here. Demonstrations will be held in both Sydney and Melbourne.