Occupational Health and Safety mapped at a global level

In the profit based system of capitalism workers are made to work too hard and in unsafe conditions, resulting in the death and injury of hundreds of thousands of workers a year. The Rana Plaza collapse of just over a year was one of the disasters that spurred activists and researchers to try and map the state of Occupational Health and Safety for workers around the world. The research is ongoing and the Global Worker Watch is the result of this ongoing mapping exercise to highlight the brutality of our economic system.

In the profit based system of capitalism workers are made to work too hard and in unsafe conditions, resulting in the death and injury of hundreds of thousands of workers a year. The Rana Plaza collapse of just over a year was one of the disasters that spurred activists and researchers to try and map the state of Occupational Health and Safety for workers around the world. The research is ongoing and the Global Worker Watch is the result of this ongoing mapping exercise to highlight the brutality of our economic system.