New documentary exposes the continuing exploitation in the garment industry

The conditions for workers in the garment sector in countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia and Pakistan are some of the worst in the world. While workers have continually fought for better conditions and wages in all of these countries (see here and here), they are usually met with repression and the threat of dismissal. A recent documentary ‘Clothes to Die For’ exposes the global chain of exploitation of this industry that allows huge profits to be made by a few companies on the misery of millions of workers. The current stance of major clothing companies like H&M are an indication of companies’ priorities.

The conditions for workers in the garment sector in countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia and Pakistan are some of the worst in the world. While workers have continually fought for better conditions and wages in all of these countries (see here and here), they are usually met with repression and the threat of dismissal. A recent documentary ‘Clothes to Die For’ exposes the global chain of exploitation of this industry that allows huge profits to be made by a few companies on the misery of millions of workers. The current stance of major clothing companies like H&M are an indication of companies’ priorities.