More protests against far right in Melbourne

The far right in Australia has grown significantly over the last two yearswith the creation of a number of new groups as well as the election of representatives of the One Nation partyin the Australian Parliament. These far right movements have grown on the back of the ongoing War on Terror and the demonisation of Muslims and refugees as well as the global economic crisis. Copying the tactics of similar fascists groups in Europe, an aged care centre is now being targeted because it will house some refugees. The local community has called a counter protestfor the morning of Saturday the 5th of November. On the same weekend, pro-refugee rallies will be held throughout Australia, click here for Melbourne event.

The far right in Australia has grown significantly over the last two yearswith the creation of a number of new groups as well as the election of representatives of the One Nation partyin the Australian Parliament. These far right movements have grown on the back of the ongoing War on Terror and the demonisation of Muslims and refugees as well as the global economic crisis. Copying the tactics of similar fascists groups in Europe, an aged care centre is now being targeted because it will house some refugees. The local community has called a counter protestfor the morning of Saturday the 5th of November. On the same weekend, pro-refugee rallies will be held throughout Australia, click here for Melbourne event.