Mass day of action for increased wages in Cambodia

Up to 100,000 Cambodian workers held rallies to demand an increase in the minimum wage from US$100 to US$177 a month. Five workers were killed at demonstrations in January 2014 in Phnom Penh. Cambodian activists are preparing for another day of action on 12 October. Eight major fashion brands have paid lip service to the campaign, promising to pay more for clothes sourced from Cambodia.

Up to 100,000 Cambodian workers held rallies to demand an increase in the minimum wage from US$100 to US$177 a month. Five workers were killed at demonstrations in January 2014 in Phnom Penh. Cambodian activists are preparing for another day of action on 12 October. Eight major fashion brands have paid lip service to the campaign, promising to pay more for clothes sourced from Cambodia.