Leather workers in Turkey face union-busting action by company

Workers at the Punto Deri leather product manufacturer have long faced low pay, long working hours, non payment of overtime and inability to use official holidays. In order to achieve better conditions, most of the workers joined their local union, Deri-Is. The response from Punto Deri was to identify the union activists and dismiss them immediately. There is now an international campaign in support of the rights of Punto Deri workers. For video, click here.

Workers at the Punto Deri leather product manufacturer have long faced low pay, long working hours, non payment of overtime and inability to use official holidays. In order to achieve better conditions, most of the workers joined their local union, Deri-Is. The response from Punto Deri was to identify the union activists and dismiss them immediately. There is now an international campaign in support of the rights of Punto Deri workers. For video, click here.