Latin America Solidarity Conference 2009


The conference will feature guest speakers from Latin America, and will facilitate the sharing of
information, experiences and ideas about:

• The Bolivarian revolution and socialism of the 21st century
• Militarisation and resistance movements in Latin America
• Experiences in participatory democracy and workers’ control
• Advances for democracy in Central America
• Models of ecological sustainability and repair in Latin America
• Indigenous peoples’ struggles for justice and self-determination
• Building solidarity in Australia and internationally


The conference will feature guest speakers from Latin America, and will facilitate the sharing of
information, experiences and ideas about:

• The Bolivarian revolution and socialism of the 21st century
• Militarisation and resistance movements in Latin America
• Experiences in participatory democracy and workers’ control
• Advances for democracy in Central America
• Models of ecological sustainability and repair in Latin America
• Indigenous peoples’ struggles for justice and self-determination
• Building solidarity in Australia and internationally

Major cracks are appearing in the global capitalist system – cracks that are
being forced open by the tide of rebellions and revolutions across Latin

From Cuba to Venezuela and Bolivia to El Salvador, people’s power is
toppling neo-liberal governments, challenging multinational corporations,
and constructing social and economic alternatives to the plunder, war and
injustices of the old system. For 50 years, the Cuban revolution has inspired
millions of people around the world struggling for independence, human
rights and genuine democracy. Now, the Venezuelan revolution, with its
vision of “socialism of the 21st century”, is continuing to provide examples
of what a socialist government can achieve.

Imperialism is confronting an unprecedented challenge to its brutal rule.
The Latin America Solidarity Conference will provide an open forum for all
people wanting to learn about, learn from and build solidarity in Australia
with the people’s power movements in Latin America.