Korean Government Employees’ Union under attack

Following the Ministry of Labor’s refusal to acknowledge the Korean Government Employees’ Union (KGEU) as a legal labor union, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s (MOPAS) decision to amend regulations for government employees to forbid any political activity. This would prohibit government employees from engaging in any acts that are critical of or oppose government policy, and ensure that deduction of labor union dues from pay is only be possible through written consent from the individual. Read the full story here. To read some of the history of the KGEU’s struggles search the Public Services International website.

Following the Ministry of Labor’s refusal to acknowledge the Korean Government Employees’ Union (KGEU) as a legal labor union, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s (MOPAS) decision to amend regulations for government employees to forbid any political activity. This would prohibit government employees from engaging in any acts that are critical of or oppose government policy, and ensure that deduction of labor union dues from pay is only be possible through written consent from the individual. Read the full story here. To read some of the history of the KGEU’s struggles search the Public Services International website.