Iran: Union leader's daughter-in-law terrorised

On Wednesday June 23rd Zoya Samadi, Mansour Osanloo’s daughter in law, was leaving work to go home. Samadi was brutally accosted by agents from the Ministry of Intelligence at the Tarasht metro station. Mansour Osanloo is the head of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran & Suburbs Bus Company.

After arresting Samadi, she was taken to an undisclosed location for four hours.  While being tortured, the agents told her "You must guarantee that if Osanloo is released from prison, he will never remain in Iran and that he will cease all activities."  Mrs. Osanloo has said that as a result of the attack Zoya Samadi, who was pregnant at the time, suffered a miscarriage. It is worth mentioning that in the past few days reports were released alluding to a pardon for Mansour Osanloo and his imminent release from jail. Read more and send protest letter here.

On Wednesday June 23rd Zoya Samadi, Mansour Osanloo’s daughter in law, was leaving work to go home. Samadi was brutally accosted by agents from the Ministry of Intelligence at the Tarasht metro station. Mansour Osanloo is the head of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran & Suburbs Bus Company.

After arresting Samadi, she was taken to an undisclosed location for four hours.  While being tortured, the agents told her "You must guarantee that if Osanloo is released from prison, he will never remain in Iran and that he will cease all activities."  Mrs. Osanloo has said that as a result of the attack Zoya Samadi, who was pregnant at the time, suffered a miscarriage. It is worth mentioning that in the past few days reports were released alluding to a pardon for Mansour Osanloo and his imminent release from jail. Read more and send protest letter here.