Industrial action by other NXP workers needed to win Philippine dispute

It has been over three months since 24 union members at NXP semiconductors in the Philippines were sacked for trying to negotiate a new contract. The workers, their communities and their union have remained strong against this global company’s attempt to smash the union and decrease wages and conditions. Solidarity for these sacked workers has come from all around the world. What is needed now is industrial action to be taken by NXP workers in other countries such as The Netherlands.

It has been over three months since 24 union members at NXP semiconductors in the Philippines were sacked for trying to negotiate a new contract. The workers, their communities and their union have remained strong against this global company’s attempt to smash the union and decrease wages and conditions. Solidarity for these sacked workers has come from all around the world. What is needed now is industrial action to be taken by NXP workers in other countries such as The Netherlands.