IMF wants to pay migrant workers even less

Migrant workers are one of the most exploited sectors of the working class around the world. Their conditions have been well documented before (see here, here and here), with governments and employers taking advantage of their vulnerable social and legal status. Last month, the International Monetary Fund produced a report recommending that migrant workers be paid less than the minimum wage in Europe. This represents another attack on workers by capitalists who want to make workers pay for the economic crisis that is affecting the capitalist system.

Migrant workers are one of the most exploited sectors of the working class around the world. Their conditions have been well documented before (see here, here and here), with governments and employers taking advantage of their vulnerable social and legal status. Last month, the International Monetary Fund produced a report recommending that migrant workers be paid less than the minimum wage in Europe. This represents another attack on workers by capitalists who want to make workers pay for the economic crisis that is affecting the capitalist system.