Cambodian workers win battle but still seek better national standards

As previously reported, Cambodian workers have been organising under very difficult and repressive conditions. In an important win, the SL Garment Company earlier this week agreed to drop all charges against union leaders and activists. This agreement also included the back paying of US$ 300,000 to all workers who took part in strikes against the company in 2013. This victory will give confidence to workers to reject the government’s latest offer and continue pressing for a better minimum wage for all garment workers.

As previously reported, Cambodian workers have been organising under very difficult and repressive conditions. In an important win, the SL Garment Company earlier this week agreed to drop all charges against union leaders and activists. This agreement also included the back paying of US$ 300,000 to all workers who took part in strikes against the company in 2013. This victory will give confidence to workers to reject the government’s latest offer and continue pressing for a better minimum wage for all garment workers.