Burmese workers continue to face low wages and repression

On May Day, thousands of Burmese garment workers staged a demonstration through central Yangon demanding greater freedoms and at least a doubling of the minimum wage. Because of the continued poverty and exploitation in Burma, hundreds of thousands of workers have had to find work outside of the country. For those that remain in Burma, union leaders are often jailed for long periods on trumped up charges while journalists are routinely arrested on national security grounds. Nevertheless, workers continue to organise and press for their rights.

On May Day, thousands of Burmese garment workers staged a demonstration through central Yangon demanding greater freedoms and at least a doubling of the minimum wage. Because of the continued poverty and exploitation in Burma, hundreds of thousands of workers have had to find work outside of the country. For those that remain in Burma, union leaders are often jailed for long periods on trumped up charges while journalists are routinely arrested on national security grounds. Nevertheless, workers continue to organise and press for their rights.