Workers in Turkey protest against repression and increasing inequality

While Turkey is touted as one of the economic successes of the region, the reality is that inequality has also grown and workers continue to face constant repression, see here, here and here. These social factors are some of the reasons that a small protest over a city park developed into a country wide protest movement. Taksim Square is also politically significant. At least two protesters have been killed, with thousands more injured and/or arrested. Turkish trade unionists have joined the protest in increasing numbers. For a video of the trade union demonstrations, click here.

While Turkey is touted as one of the economic successes of the region, the reality is that inequality has also grown and workers continue to face constant repression, see here, here and here. These social factors are some of the reasons that a small protest over a city park developed into a country wide protest movement. Taksim Square is also politically significant. At least two protesters have been killed, with thousands more injured and/or arrested. Turkish trade unionists have joined the protest in increasing numbers. For a video of the trade union demonstrations, click here.