Workers continue to be killed at work

Events of the last week have shown that while the catastrophic collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh gained the world’s headlines, workers are routinely killed at their workplaces due to neglect, cost cutting and sub standard regulations. These are not isolated events but part of an economic system that places profits above lives.
In the province of Kampong Speu, Cambodia, three shoe workers were killed when the roof of their factory collapsed on them.
In Guizhou Province, southwest China, 21 workers at a coal mine were killed in a gas explosion.  
At the Freeport-McMoRan' mine in West Papua, Indonesia, four workers were killed when a tunnel caved in on them. Many others are still missing, feared dead.

Events of the last week have shown that while the catastrophic collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh gained the world’s headlines, workers are routinely killed at their workplaces due to neglect, cost cutting and sub standard regulations. These are not isolated events but part of an economic system that places profits above lives.
In the province of Kampong Speu, Cambodia, three shoe workers were killed when the roof of their factory collapsed on them.
In Guizhou Province, southwest China, 21 workers at a coal mine were killed in a gas explosion.  
At the Freeport-McMoRan' mine in West Papua, Indonesia, four workers were killed when a tunnel caved in on them. Many others are still missing, feared dead.