Turkey’s government purges hit workers massively

The Turkish government is using the opportunity of the July 2016 failed military coup to target the still powerful Turkish working class. The figures speak for themselves. The number of teachers dismissed in this time has reached almost 30,000, with another 10,000 still under investigation. An additional 20,000 civil servants have also been sacked from a variety of occupational sectors. In the meantime, the government is proceeding with the trial of a number of journalists  that are accused of being government critics and supporters of terrorism.

The Turkish government is using the opportunity of the July 2016 failed military coup to target the still powerful Turkish working class. The figures speak for themselves. The number of teachers dismissed in this time has reached almost 30,000, with another 10,000 still under investigation. An additional 20,000 civil servants have also been sacked from a variety of occupational sectors. In the meantime, the government is proceeding with the trial of a number of journalists  that are accused of being government critics and supporters of terrorism.