Third anniversary of mass killing of protesters commemorated in Bangkok

Three years ago, a sit in by ‘Red Shirt’ demonstrators was attacked by the Thai military and almost a 100 protesters were killed. No one has been brought to justice for these murders. Last week, tens of thousand of people held a commemoration to remember those that had died. Subsequent to these killings, many activists were arrested or forced to flee Thailand as the government used Article 112 (Lese Majeste) to stifle dissent. An international campaign is calling for the release of all political prisoners in Thailand. 
For latest information on campaign, click here
For recent television discussion, click here.

Three years ago, a sit in by ‘Red Shirt’ demonstrators was attacked by the Thai military and almost a 100 protesters were killed. No one has been brought to justice for these murders. Last week, tens of thousand of people held a commemoration to remember those that had died. Subsequent to these killings, many activists were arrested or forced to flee Thailand as the government used Article 112 (Lese Majeste) to stifle dissent. An international campaign is calling for the release of all political prisoners in Thailand. 
For latest information on campaign, click here
For recent television discussion, click here.