The problem at Hong Kong ports: HIT, Hutchinson and Cosco

With the strike by Hong Kong dockworkers now entering its 5th week, it is becoming apparent that the companies are trying to starve the workers back to work. This tactic historically has often been used against striking workers. We do not have the resources of these companies, HIT, Hutchinson and Cosco, and isolated we are weaker than them.

To win this dispute, we need to take actions internationally and target all the ports where these big companies have operations. You can listen to a radio interview with a Hong Kong dockworker organiser. Send solidarity message here.

With the strike by Hong Kong dockworkers now entering its 5th week, it is becoming apparent that the companies are trying to starve the workers back to work. This tactic historically has often been used against striking workers. We do not have the resources of these companies, HIT, Hutchinson and Cosco, and isolated we are weaker than them.

To win this dispute, we need to take actions internationally and target all the ports where these big companies have operations. You can listen to a radio interview with a Hong Kong dockworker organiser. Send solidarity message here.