Thailand military dictatorship continues to crack down on dissenters

The situation for workers in Thailand has continued to deteriorate over the last few months with further clamping down on civil liberties under the Lese Majeste law (see here and here). In addition, the military is intimidating opposition politicians by ordering them to attend military barracks where they will be educated about the correctness of the military junta. In the latest step, the military has announced that it will merge the National Human Rights Commission into another body. The NHRC had already been widely criticised for not been very effective, but this latest move would represent a further downgrading for human rights in Thailand.
No to the military!
Free all political prisoners! 

The situation for workers in Thailand has continued to deteriorate over the last few months with further clamping down on civil liberties under the Lese Majeste law (see here and here). In addition, the military is intimidating opposition politicians by ordering them to attend military barracks where they will be educated about the correctness of the military junta. In the latest step, the military has announced that it will merge the National Human Rights Commission into another body. The NHRC had already been widely criticised for not been very effective, but this latest move would represent a further downgrading for human rights in Thailand.
No to the military!
Free all political prisoners!