Syria: Yes to defections, no to invasion

The Syrian popular resistance is continuing amid unrelenting repression and many killings by government forces. In a positive development, Syrian soldiers are defecting in ever greater numbers. They have formed the Movement of Free Officers.

These defections now allow the popular movement to defend itself from government soldiers and militias. Workers would now be able to shut down workplaces, and also  defend them from the government. We have received a statement from the Local Coordinating Committees in Syria explaining their attitude to military struggle against the government. You can read it here.

The Syrian uprising is in grave need of international solidarity action from workers in other countries to help them bring the Syrian government to its knees, both economically and politically. It is a struggle that we can win together. If we don’t, the Syrian revolution runs the risk of being hijacked by the capitalist and imperialist forces in the region. 

More on the Local Coordinating Committees in Syria

The Syrian popular resistance is continuing amid unrelenting repression and many killings by government forces. In a positive development, Syrian soldiers are defecting in ever greater numbers. They have formed the Movement of Free Officers.

These defections now allow the popular movement to defend itself from government soldiers and militias. Workers would now be able to shut down workplaces, and also  defend them from the government. We have received a statement from the Local Coordinating Committees in Syria explaining their attitude to military struggle against the government. You can read it here.

The Syrian uprising is in grave need of international solidarity action from workers in other countries to help them bring the Syrian government to its knees, both economically and politically. It is a struggle that we can win together. If we don’t, the Syrian revolution runs the risk of being hijacked by the capitalist and imperialist forces in the region. 

More on the Local Coordinating Committees in Syria