Precarious work a health hazard for workers

Australia’s Fairwork Ombudsman and Unions NSW have released major reports that each expose the widespread tactic of making work precarious for workers. Like many other countriesof the world, Australian workers are seeing companies using flexible working arrangements like casualization, sub-contracting, zero hour contracts and short term visas to undermine wages and conditions. The practice is so widespread that global labour hire companiesare now using these tactics as part of their global strategy. At an individual level, such a precarious working existence can have disastrous consequences. Only by organising into independent unions can workers fight this assaults.

Australia’s Fairwork Ombudsman and Unions NSW have released major reports that each expose the widespread tactic of making work precarious for workers. Like many other countriesof the world, Australian workers are seeing companies using flexible working arrangements like casualization, sub-contracting, zero hour contracts and short term visas to undermine wages and conditions. The practice is so widespread that global labour hire companiesare now using these tactics as part of their global strategy. At an individual level, such a precarious working existence can have disastrous consequences. Only by organising into independent unions can workers fight this assaults.