New Zealand fast food workers take action against loss of days

Fast food is a major industry around the world and it is one that is dominated by a few huge global companies. Following on from last year’s global day of action against McDonald’s, workers employed at Wendy’s have walked off the job at multiple sites to fight against rostering arrangements that deprive them of public holiday pay and the use of ‘zero hour contracts’. The Wendy’s workers were recently visited by labour activists from the McDonald’s campaign in a show of solidarity to learn from the experiences of the fight against McDonald’s, and how best to organise together.

Fast food is a major industry around the world and it is one that is dominated by a few huge global companies. Following on from last year’s global day of action against McDonald’s, workers employed at Wendy’s have walked off the job at multiple sites to fight against rostering arrangements that deprive them of public holiday pay and the use of ‘zero hour contracts’. The Wendy’s workers were recently visited by labour activists from the McDonald’s campaign in a show of solidarity to learn from the experiences of the fight against McDonald’s, and how best to organise together.