More union busting in the Philippines

The Cavite Export Processing Zone in the Philippines hosts a number of large factories where unions are actively suppressed. NT Philippines Inc, a Japanese owned, electronics factory is the latest company that is trying to destroy a newly formed union among its 1,000 strong workforce. Union members are being isolated and harassed while union leaders are being moved away from other workers. As NT Philippines is a part of the electronics global supply chain, the local union is asking workers in other countries to take action against this company. Co-ordinated industrial actions across countries is the best way for workers to counter large, globally integrated companies.

The Cavite Export Processing Zone in the Philippines hosts a number of large factories where unions are actively suppressed. NT Philippines Inc, a Japanese owned, electronics factory is the latest company that is trying to destroy a newly formed union among its 1,000 strong workforce. Union members are being isolated and harassed while union leaders are being moved away from other workers. As NT Philippines is a part of the electronics global supply chain, the local union is asking workers in other countries to take action against this company. Co-ordinated industrial actions across countries is the best way for workers to counter large, globally integrated companies.