Korean workers win after longest ever protest

As previously reported, two tutors, Ms. Oh Soo-young and Ms. Yeo Min-hee, had been protesting their dismissal from Jaenung Education (JEI), a private education institute, since the end of 2007. This week, JEI agreed to reinstate all of the 11 workers fired back in December of 2007 as well as paying them close to US $200,000 in compensation. The workers will now begin to negotiate a new collective agreement.

As previously reported, two tutors, Ms. Oh Soo-young and Ms. Yeo Min-hee, had been protesting their dismissal from Jaenung Education (JEI), a private education institute, since the end of 2007. This week, JEI agreed to reinstate all of the 11 workers fired back in December of 2007 as well as paying them close to US $200,000 in compensation. The workers will now begin to negotiate a new collective agreement.