Korean workers protest against dismissal drags on

In an incredible feat of endurance, two dismissed tutors, Oh Soo-young and Yeo Min-hee, have reached the 2,000th day of their aerial protest.  They are fighting against their dismissal by Jaenung Education in December 2007.  While their endurance is unprecedented, the use of aerial sit in protests is used in South Korea to highlight ongoing workers issues. For teachers and education staff, the struggle for better wages and conditions has been a long one.

In an incredible feat of endurance, two dismissed tutors, Oh Soo-young and Yeo Min-hee, have reached the 2,000th day of their aerial protest.  They are fighting against their dismissal by Jaenung Education in December 2007.  While their endurance is unprecedented, the use of aerial sit in protests is used in South Korea to highlight ongoing workers issues. For teachers and education staff, the struggle for better wages and conditions has been a long one.