Iranian auto worker engage in a series of actions

As reported in previous items, the situation for workers in Iran is very serious with increasing cost of living pressures, stagnating wages and harsh repressive conditions hindering any independent organising. Nevertheless, recent events such as the strike by thousands of workers at an ore mine in the Bafgh region against privatisation have shown that workers are starting to regain some of their power. In January of this year, thousands of workers in the auto sector from different companies have held a series of industrial actions over better pay and conditions. Given the role of the Iranian working class in the revolution of the late 1970’s (see here and here), the latest upsurge in workers’ action is a very positive development.

As reported in previous items, the situation for workers in Iran is very serious with increasing cost of living pressures, stagnating wages and harsh repressive conditions hindering any independent organising. Nevertheless, recent events such as the strike by thousands of workers at an ore mine in the Bafgh region against privatisation have shown that workers are starting to regain some of their power. In January of this year, thousands of workers in the auto sector from different companies have held a series of industrial actions over better pay and conditions. Given the role of the Iranian working class in the revolution of the late 1970’s (see here and here), the latest upsurge in workers’ action is a very positive development.