Cops shoot Aboriginal youth

Earlier this week, a 14 and an 18 year old were shot by police in Sydney as they were driving a stolen car. The shooting of the occupants of the car and the subsequent bashing of the shot driver by the police has reignited the debate about racism in Australia. Protest rallies are highlighting the ongoing discrimination of Aboriginal people in Australia

Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody!
Rally and March – Saturday 12 May at 11am
Old Melbourne GPO, Cnr Swanston and Elizabeth Sts
Click here for more information

Earlier this week, a 14 and an 18 year old were shot by police in Sydney as they were driving a stolen car. The shooting of the occupants of the car and the subsequent bashing of the shot driver by the police has reignited the debate about racism in Australia. Protest rallies are highlighting the ongoing discrimination of Aboriginal people in Australia

Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody!
Rally and March – Saturday 12 May at 11am
Old Melbourne GPO, Cnr Swanston and Elizabeth Sts
Click here for more information