Construction workers in Kobane issue a call for class solidarity

As reported previously (see here and here) the fight by the mainly Kurdish population of Rojava, in Northern Syria, has attracted sizeable solidarity from labour organisations around the world. Now that the front lines of the battle have shifted away from the town of Kobane, the issue of rebuilding the town has become a priority. Mustafa Kaplan Akyol, the General President of the Union of Construction Workers, has called on construction workers to stop working for the benefit of capitalists and to come to Kobane to help rebuild the city. Mustafa stated that it is workers who build the world, so therefore workers should built it for their own needs and not for profits.

As reported previously (see here and here) the fight by the mainly Kurdish population of Rojava, in Northern Syria, has attracted sizeable solidarity from labour organisations around the world. Now that the front lines of the battle have shifted away from the town of Kobane, the issue of rebuilding the town has become a priority. Mustafa Kaplan Akyol, the General President of the Union of Construction Workers, has called on construction workers to stop working for the benefit of capitalists and to come to Kobane to help rebuild the city. Mustafa stated that it is workers who build the world, so therefore workers should built it for their own needs and not for profits.