Cambodian garment workers step up the fight for a minimum wage

The fight by Cambodian garment workers for a living wage has been an ongoing issues for many years. Early this year, workers were heavily repressed by the government with four workers being killed and many others arrested and injured. Nevertheless, the workers have kept up the struggle. They have now initiated a new campaign, to be launched on the 17th of September, for a new minimum wage of US$ 177/month. Cambodian workers have called for a global day of action in solidarity. For more information, click here and here, and for what actions are being organised internationally.

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Melbourne Action

Sydney Action
Canberra Action

The fight by Cambodian garment workers for a living wage has been an ongoing issues for many years. Early this year, workers were heavily repressed by the government with four workers being killed and many others arrested and injured. Nevertheless, the workers have kept up the struggle. They have now initiated a new campaign, to be launched on the 17th of September, for a new minimum wage of US$ 177/month. Cambodian workers have called for a global day of action in solidarity. For more information, click here and here, and for what actions are being organised internationally.

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Melbourne Action

Sydney Action
Canberra Action